McCalla School, 525E 9th St, Bloomington, IN 47408
Were you or someone you know a student at McCalla when it was an elementary school? Join us for a special gathering to celebrate the rich history of the McCalla Building.
Are you a staff employee at IU Bloomington who is not represented by a union? This is a big campus with thousands of people, and that can make it challenging to find the information you need. The IU Bloomington Staff Council is here to help with that!
To get started, please check out our employee resources with dozens of links to services ranging from health and wellness to professional development, as well as information from units like Human Resources and University Information Technology Services.
McCalla School, 525E 9th St, Bloomington, IN 47408
Were you or someone you know a student at McCalla when it was an elementary school? Join us for a special gathering to celebrate the rich history of the McCalla Building.
Get to Know Your Campus Tour: IU Landscapes Greenhouse & Nursery
IU Landscapes Greenhouse & Nursery
Please join us for a guided tour of the IU Landscapes Greenhouse & Nursery.
IU Bloomington Staff Council Monthly Meeting
This is an online monthly business meeting of the IU Bloomington Staff Council.
Get to Know Your Colleagues with the LGBTQ+ Faculty Staff Council
Get to Know your Colleagues with the LGBTQ+ Faculty Staff Council
Read the messages from IUBSC President Jen Berry to IUB staff.
Read Jen Berry's lettersThe Bloomington Staff Council provides leadership in the continual improvement of university policies and practices that enhance the quality of life of IUB Staff not represented by a union while supporting the institutional mission. The organization exists to represent, advocate for, and help staff successfully navigate the staff experience positively.
Check out all the Council's upcoming activities in our newsletter. If you are not a professional staff member but want to subscribe, please email iubsc@iu.edu.
Should you wish to raise issues for Council review or comment on our current activities, please contact any of the representatives. We welcome such input, and hope to hear from you soon.